Design and Construction Management Services

Design and construction managing

Architectural, Structural, MEP and Urban Design, in the Building sector. The design processes adopted by E-making Srl, follow the principles of Building Ergotechnics and are also developed in a BIM platform on a dedicated AcDat interface.

  • Architectural Design;
  • Structural Design;
  • Mep design;
  • Planning supervisor;
  • Safety supervision;
  • Technical and Structural tests;
  • Energy Certification (APE);
  • Due diligence;

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Focus on Design and Construction Management Services


E-Making performs terrestrial laser scanner building reliefs and restitution of:

  • Immersive Navigation Model ‘Reverse Engineering’ of the built environment;
  • Point cloud restitution .xyz format;
  • Restitution of point cloud .Rcp format
  • Restitution of point cloud .Rcs format
  • Restitution of BIM Model (.Rvt .Ifc)

Service primarily aimed at construction companies, specialists, and designing companies.


SAPR Operator for Specialized Operationse Authorized by ENAC APR-2019-0014743:

  • Civil and industrial buildings inspection;
  • Inspections of buildings and photovoltaic systems;
  • HD quality videos;
  • HD quality photos;

Try one of our Point Clouds